Remodeling can be stressful whether you are working with a contractor or you are doing it all yourself. It is important to understand that tasks you are capable of taking on yourself and where you should bring in a professional. You might think that all you need to do to replace a lighting fixture is to detach the old one, you might forget to turn off the power to that circuit ? ZAP! Be sure to do your homework. On that note, do not enlist friends and family to help if they do not have any experience. You might think that you are saving money but is something goes wrong it could end up costing you more or even injurying one of your friends or family members.
Rome wasn't built in a day.
Many new do it yourself remodelers underestimate two very important things, budget and time. It is good to have a ballpark in mind but most homeowners have unrealistic expectations when it comes to the cost of
Don't jump the gun.
It is important to not start demoing your project too early. We understand it is exciting and you just want the project to be done but it is better to wait until all of the deliverables have arrived at the work site. Often delivery dates get changed. Waiting until you have all of the components eliminates the chance of you being without your bathroom or kitchen while waiting for bits and pieces to arrive. This is made easier by buying local.
Time to start the demo.
This is a time to keep an extra eye on your kids. It just isn't safe to have your children or family dog running around an active construction scene. During the initial construction there will be some inconvenience you could be without a bathroom kitchen, or another essential room for days maybe weeks. You can't assume that a "weekend" project is only going to take a single weekend.Now let's talk about waste.
It is normal to calculate about 10% extra in material for "waste". If you end up not needing it materials such as tile and caulk can be kept in storage for later repairs. If ordering custom materials it is a good rule of thumb to order 20% then you think you are going to need... just in case. If you are using a contractor ask if there are any materials left over. Chances are there are some bits and pieces that you can use for future projects.
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